Intens kijkende jonge blonde man met armen gespreid

Sven Guyt

Sven Guyt is a final-year dance student at Codarts University of Arts. He is a participant in Scapino's Young Talent Program

As a Scapino Young Talent this year he wants to explore the different layers of his dance abilities. He finds it hard to describe in words his passion for dance, he describes it as a feeling, it gives him the sensation of pleasure, satisfaction and calmness, but it also gives him energy to dive into a world of imagination. As an artist he loves to perform and to share the art with the audience. 

This year, Sven looks forward to deepening his artistry and understanding how his mental state influences his dance, using positive affirmations and a focused mindset to unlock new creative possibilities.


Curriculum Vitae

2004, Katwijk aan Zee (The Netherlands)

Codarts University of Arts

Dansersfonds '79 (2021)

Glimlachende jonge man in oranje tanktop

This season featuring in