Mathis Deure
Mathis Deure is a final-year dance student at Ballet Junior de Geneve. She is a participant in Scapino's Young Talent Program.
As a Scapino Young Talent this year, Mathis sees this as a big opportunity to grow and find his artistic identity. As a child he loved dancing without really caring what he was doing, now his passion for dance is being driven by the pleasure of dance while being as right as possible, with rigor, precision and the correct interpretation. Above all, this is Mathis’s professional debut, he is curious about discovering life in a company and is excited to be part of it.
Curriculum Vitae
2004, Saint Étienne (France)
Ballet Junior de Genève
Previously danced with
Marcos Morau, Noa Zuk & Ohad Fishof, Roy Assaf

This season featuring in
An absurdist satire and search for hope in dark times. Origin is created by three emerging avant-garde dance makers with a socially critical perspective in their work. -
Anima Obscura
Anima Obscura is a sumptuous total artwork that fuses choreography, video performance, animation, holograms, costume design and live music.