TWOOLS 3 is the second edition of Scapino Ballet Rotterdam's dance evening in the calendar year 2000, and the third in a year's time. In the meantime, choreographers from within and sometimes far beyond the company have created work for TWOOLS and gained experience of the fast production time and the versatile thirty-strong Scapino ensemble.
For TWOOLS 3 the audience in the Rotterdamse Schouwburg will be introduced to the first choreographies by Ruby Edelman and Georg Reischl, and for the second time in TWOOLS will see pieces by Keith-Derrick Randolph and Ederson Rodrigues Xavier. In this third edition, too, artistic director Ed Wubbe will provide a common thread. This time he asks himself in a three-part choreography: What Did The Romans Do For Us?
The guest choreographers invited by Wubbe are free to choose a theme themselves and to create the dance piece they want - as long as it is no longer than ten minutes. Wubbe invites them because he is captivated by their individuality. He also chooses from the desire to show as diverse a dance palette as possible and to contribute as broadly as possible to the development of young makers in the dance field.
Randolph kicks off with the duet Regina Complete, which he dances himself with Bonnie Doets. With Insomniac, Scapino dancer Ederson Rodrigues Xavier once again manages to combine his sense of drama in a quartet with challenging music by the American-Rotterdam composer Greg Smith.
DeCayDance is freelancer Ruby Edelman's debut as a choreographer at Scapino. Mischa van Leeuwen, Kevin O'Halloran and Mariëlla de Jong dance to a soundtrack including The BeeGees. Georg Reischl, a recent Scapino dancer, showcases his strong eye for detail in State Disrupted.
Concept and artistic direction
Ed Wubbe
Keith-Derrick Randolph, Ederson Rodrigues Xavier, Ruby Edelman, Georg Reischl, Ed Wubbe
Michiel Jansen, Korn, Jorge Silva, The Bee Gees, C + C Music Factory, Greg Smith
Costume design
Pamela Homoet, José Drabbe, Keith Derrick Randolph, Georg Reischl, Ruby Edelman

Regina Complete
Keith-Derrick Randolph
What Did The Romans Do For Us? - Part I
Ed Wubbe
Ederson Rodrigues Xavier
Ruby Edelman
What Did The Romans Do For Us? - Part II
Ed Wubbe
State Disrupted
Georg Reischl
What Did The Romans Do For Us? - Part III
Ed Wubbe