Jonge vrouw met lang blond haar in een staart en een groen shirt, ze kijkt naar links

Luise Hoffmann

"I really enjoy doing physically challenging tasks and the circus community has always been an environment where I feel welcome and supported."

Luise knew at 16 that she wanted to become a circus performer. She started her training at Codarts as a duotrapeze pilot and changed to static solo trapeze after her partner decided to leave school. In 2022, as a final-year student at Codarts Circus Arts, Luise collaborated in the creation of Oscar

About working with the Scapino dancers: "Dance and circus are movement methods which differ from each other and it is very interesting to observe and exchange qualities and learn from and with each other."


Curriculum Vitae

1998, Kassel (Germany)

Codarts Circus Arts


Jonge vrouw met haar rechterbeen omhoog terwijl ze tegen een goudkleurige doos leunt

This season featuring in