Man met kort haar die over zin schouder naar links kijkt

Jon Owino Ochieng

For Jon, joining Oscar is a dream come true. ‘I was so jealous of Malte, who was a globe acrobate in 2022,’ he says. 

Jon is a student at Codarts Circus Arts to become a professional circus performer. From the audience, he watched his fellow students perform on the stage of Carré in 2022. He can remember how majestic it was: the stage, the amount of audience, the dancers in their beautiful costumes.

So he did not hesitate for a moment when he was asked to participate, even if it meant he could not visit his family in Kenya this summer. ‘To be on the stage of a big theatre with a dance company is a dream they too have been praying for. I can't wait to have the spotlight on me!’. 

Curriculum Vitae

2003, Kisumu (Kenya)

Codarts Circus Arts

Globe acrobate

Man die hoog in de lucht springt, van onder gezien

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