Jonge man met gemilimeterd haar die met rustige blik naar links kijkt

Arvi Yrjölä

‘I consider myself a dancer as well as an acrobat.’ Arvi knew at 13 that he wanted to be a perfromer. In 2022, as a final-year student at Codarts Circus Arts, he collaborated on the creation of Oscar

He is influenced and inspired by modern dance and considers himself both a dancer and an acrobat. He wants to unite both as inseparable forms of expression.

He really enjoys the circus as a combination of creative freedom and technical mastery of one's craft.

About working with the Scapino dancers "The precision and sophistication with which they dance is a source of inspiration to me. Not only that, but the loving and encouraging atmosphere I experience among the dancers makes me feel enormously grateful."


Curriculum Vitae

2022, Tampere (Finland)

Codarts Circus Arts

Acro dance

Jonge man met gemilimeterd haar die zich staand ver naar links uitstrekt

This season featuring in